Our journey began a while back……in 2014, when Saskia started a fun art exchange project with her daughter’s class in Bussum, the Netherlands, and students of the Marni School Foundation in Bihar, India.

It became a great succes and a recurring yearly project!

Inspired by the beautiful and unique stories, Giovanna joined Saskia, and in 2019 they founded arTalks.org. Having both grown up in Latin America and lived in various continents, they believe that cultural awareness is essential in developing a sense of diversity and inclusion at an early age.

All projects offered by arTalks embrace these principles through the use of art. Students are given the opportunity to learn about the lives of fellow students abroad while taking a closer look at their own surroundings, lives and values. ArTalks focuses on providing experiences of cross-border communication and discovering that art can be an essential means to share ideas without social barriers (language, culture, background, etc).

Our goal is to raise cultural awareness in a fun and age appropriate way. The results have been incredible! The enthousiasm and lessons learned have been beneficial to both the students’ sense of self as well as to the perception of their own lives with regards to others.

Giovanna and Saskia welcome you to embark on this great adventure and contribute in making this a more diverse, equitable and inclusive world!